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Personalized Care For Women Through All Stages Of Life



To ALL our patients, we are here to add not just years to your life ... but to Add Life To Your Years

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General Gynecology

At Helou Clinic you are sure to receive a complete and updated Gynecologic examination with proper testing and care. Our patients receive our full dedication and support with impeccable after care.

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Surgical Gynecology

Dr. Helou has a specialized interest in performing gynecologic surgeries related to infertility, vaginal tightening, pelvic organ prolapse, vaginal cosmetics and cervical cancer prevention.

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Ultrasound Imaging

High Definition General Ultrasound imaging is available for your annual gynecologic checkup to help detect several gynecologic conditions such as fibroids, ovarian cysts, certain cancers ... etc.

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We Can Help You Get Pregnant


Dr. Helou has undergone extensive training in infertility and reproductive endocrinology at IVF Michigan, the proud holders of the highest success rates in North America. If you are having difficulty achieving pregnancy, or starting your attempts at an older stage in life, be sure to visit our infertility clinic to receive individualized testing and treatment options including insemination, In-Vitro fertilization (IVF), egg and embryo freezing, gender selection ...

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Not ready for pregnancy ? With a special interest in female contraception and family planning, we are here to help you choose the best method to fit your lifestyle, at any stage of your life.

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STD Screening

With the alarming rise of sexually transmitted diseases and infections, we take care of you with the latest up to date testing and treatment solutions. Remember, when it comes to STD's ... prevention is the best medicine ! So if you are sexually active, visit us to learn more about STD's and how you can protect yourself.

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Pap Smear & HPV Testing and Vaccination

We have noticed a rise of High Risk HPV (Human Papillomavirus) incidence in Lebanon among sexually active women, which is the leading cause of cervical cancer in women. Therefore, we abide by the latest detection methods using liquid based cytology and High Risk HPV testing to keep you safe from cervical cancer and make sure you receive prompt treatment when you need it. Also, do not forget to discuss early vaccination options for your children!

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Sexual Health

Dr. Helou has a special interest in sexual health. Being visited by women, men and couples, he is able to help you overcome any personal concerns you might be facing or difficulties in your relationship. In a relaxed and private environment, you are sure to be comfortable in getting the proper advice that might change your life.

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Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

For women undergoing menopause or suffering from premature ovarian failure, hormone replacement therapy may be the appropriate option for you to enjoy a better quality of life. Visit us to see if you safely qualify for HRT and how you can live a healthier lifestyle.

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The Designer Vagina

Cosmetic Gynecology

Dr. Helou is highly experienced and specialized in cosmetic gynecologic surgeries such as labia minora and majora plasty, fat transfer to labia majora, labial reduction, clitoral hood reduction, post surgical revision/correction, vaginal bleaching …

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Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation

At Helou Clinic we use to the world's best radio-frequency and laser technologies available to make sure you obtain the most optimal non-surgical vaginal tightening, non-surgical labial tightening and vaginal rejuvenation without any side effects or complications. For more information visit the respective pages of our site with details about these treatment options. (ThermiVa - IntimaLase - IncontiLase)

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More Pleasure . Stronger Sensation

Orgasm Enhancement (O Shot)

The "O Shot" (Orgasm Shot) injection is a sexual and cosmetic rejuvenation procedure for the vagina using the preparation and injection of blood-derived growth factors and stem cells. Its effects include more intense and frequent orgasms and increased arousal. Effects usually last 12 months after a single injection. (Click HERE to LEARN MORE)