STOP Urine Leak Without Surgery
Helou Clinic has quickly become Lebanon’s leading center for vaginal rejuvenation and vaginal cosmetic procedures. We are in collaboration with California’s top center for laser and cosmetic vaginal treatments with extensive training and expertise. We have conducted over 300 vaginal rejuvenation treatments in Lebanon since 2018 with over 90% patient satisfaction.
At Helou Clinic we know what women want and how to deliver amazing results !
What Is Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) ?
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is a common problem in women that causes the involuntary loss of urine during coughing, sneezing, laughing, or physical exertion such as running or climbing stairs. This involuntary leakage of urine during physical activities can be embarrassing and disruptive in social and sexual life.
What Are The Causes Of SUI ?
The cause for involuntary loss of urine is the weakening of the urethral closure mechanism, which is the result of reduced tone in the pelvic floor region. The main contributing factors are vaginal child birth, obesity and aging.
Laser Treatment For Stress Urinary Incontinence
Stress urinary incontinence (involuntary urine leakage) can be embarrassing and cause you to refrain from many activities that you used to enjoy. With new IncontiLase™ for treating mild and moderate stress and mixed urinary incontinence™ you can reduce or eliminate leakage and have a more normal lifestyle without the worry of uncontrolled urine leakage.
Nonsurgical Support For The Bladder
As a non-invasive gynecology procedure, Incontilase™ tightens the connective tissues that support the bladder. Involuntary urine leakage can be a result of childbirth, aging or trauma to the area. Aging causes collagen to lose elasticity affecting the supporting tissues that surround the bladder and the valve that controls urine flow. Tightening these tissues with the laser helps bring back more normal support and helps keep you dry.
What Are The Traditional Treatment Options ?
Until now SUI was treated non-invasively through muscular training, known as Kegel exercises, which are only marginally effective and rely on daily compliance. SUI is also treated invasively with a surgical implant known as a Urethral Sling. This procedure requires hospitalization, recovery time and could potentially cause serious complications.
Am I a candidate for IncontiLase ?
Not everyone is a candidate for laser treatment of urinary stress incontinence. As a Gynecologic specialist, Dr. Helou will perform a necessary gynecologic exam and advise you if IncontiLase is right for you based on specific parameters and the degree of your issue.